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‘乐鱼体育,leyu乐鱼体育’ 值得背下来的满分作文

时间:2023-06-01 00:17:01    点击量:

本文摘要:形貌景物的英语满分范文A Spring Morning It was early in the morning. The sun was just creeping(爬) out of the eastern horizon(地平线) and golden red was penetrating (穿透) through the white clouds and across the sky. The lakes, the trees and the bamboos looked as if they were all gilded. The ground was covered with tender grass, on whose blades some dew drops were glistening(晶莹剔透) under the sunshine. Birds flew around the woods singing cheerfully and restlessly. Some boys were quietly jogging along the path, while a couple of girls were reading aloud under the trees lining the bank of the lake. A gentle breeze came up, wrinkling(使…起皱) the surface of the lake. It was really a beautiful and lively morning.译文春晨 清晨时分,太阳从东边的地平线逐步爬起,一片金黄透过白色的云彩,划过天空。


形貌景物的英语满分范文A Spring Morning It was early in the morning. The sun was just creeping(爬) out of the eastern horizon(地平线) and golden red was penetrating (穿透) through the white clouds and across the sky. The lakes, the trees and the bamboos looked as if they were all gilded. The ground was covered with tender grass, on whose blades some dew drops were glistening(晶莹剔透) under the sunshine. Birds flew around the woods singing cheerfully and restlessly. Some boys were quietly jogging along the path, while a couple of girls were reading aloud under the trees lining the bank of the lake. A gentle breeze came up, wrinkling(使…起皱) the surface of the lake. It was really a beautiful and lively morning.译文春晨 清晨时分,太阳从东边的地平线逐步爬起,一片金黄透过白色的云彩,划过天空。湖泊、树木和竹林都似乎染上了金边。地面上长满了绿油油的小草,小草的叶片上,几滴露珠在阳光的照耀下晶莹剔透。





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